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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

5 Ways To Have A Clear Head and Ears To Enjoy Your Diving Expedition

Here at our Dive Center - we dive an awful lot, it’s important to take care of yourself properly. It’s extremely important to take care of your ears. It’s not any fun to sit back on the boat for a diving expedition while everybody else is enjoying some dive time.  Is that something you really want to do? Of course not!

One of the biggest issues that can affect your enjoyment of diving is congestion. After all, the stuffiness in your head causes you to feel less than spectacular for doing anything… much less diving. When you’re congested the inflamed mucosa within the tubes causes the opening to shrink, and it’s harder for you to get air in and equalize pressure. And, if the mucus is sticky, it keeps the openings clogged, making it next to impossible to open up the tubes.

However, there is some hope!

There are several ways in which to contend with a stuffy head and have fun during your diving expedition:

Flush Your Ears Out
There are many kinds of nasal irrigation systems you can use that will clear your head. Some commonly used systems include:
  • Ayr Sinus Rinse
  • NeilMed’s Sinus Rinse
These systems can flush the sticky mucus out, clearing out irritants that cause the mucosa to inflame and arouse the cilia to work better in maintaining clear passages.

Komodo Dive Center - Ear Structure

A study of 100 divers that had ear-clearing troubles found that 69 percent used the nasal irrigation and saw improvements. 60 percent said they used oral decongestants on a regular basis, but would take less or none at all after using the nasal irrigation system. Yes, it sounds gross; but think of the immediate improvement you’ll feel from using it. 
Why do the irrigation systems work better? They work instantly and don’t cause any stinging sensation. They work because they mechanically rinse the crusted or thick mucus out in places that are hard to reach. They also decrease the swelling within the mucosa, allowing air to freely move in and out.

When you’re dehydrated, mucus will become thick and clump up. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of water, which you can tell you’re doing when your urine is clear, so the mucus will thin out and be less sticky. This also ensure the Eustachian tubes function properly.  Most boats allow people an unlimited amount of water during the trip.

Avoid Any Dairy Products
Dairy products have a tendency to boost the production of mucus, which is why you should not consume any two or three days before your diving expedition.

Steer Clear Of Additives
Additives can cause migraine headaches and lead to congestion and hearing issues too. Steer clear of chocolate, red wine, cheeses and other foods that include MSG or nitrites several days before you go diving.

Take Medication
While this method should be proceeded with caution and not last for more than three to five days, you can use 60mg of Sudafed or other pseudoephedrine product to give you a clearer head. Sudafed and products like it do have side effects.
If you go diving, it can cause your heart to race and may even cause men to be unable to pee. It’s imperative to know how your body will handle the medication before your diving excursion.
Another important note about using these types of products is that it can lead to nutrition absorption and boost your chances for oxygen toxicity.

Our Komodo Dive Center is not exactly in the heart of civilization, and we need to make sure we all stay safe and sound.

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